Asian handicap

Asian handicapbets represent a new way of betting. In particular, there is a tendency to avoid the mismatching of abilities between two teams assigning to one of the two a certain advantage, that can consist of advantage goals if it relates to soccer matches, games or sets if it relates to tennis matches, etc. in order to ensure the match is “balanced”.

The unique aspect of Asian handicap betting is that there will always be only 2 bookmakers involved. A few examples involving a team penalized with a handicap:

  • With a handicap equal to 0 you get the odds given in the event of a draw
  • With a handicap equal to -0.5 you win only if your team wins
  • With a handicap equal to -1 you win only if your team wins with a 2 or more goal difference. If it wins with only a 1-goal difference the bet is refunded
  • With a handicap equal to -2 you win only if your team wins with a 3 or more goal difference. If it wins with only a 2-goal difference the bet is refunded

You also have at your disposal some handicaps known as “split ball handicaps” when you want to give small advantages, for example an advantage of between 0 and 0-5. In this case, you will read: handicap of 0, 0.5 or 0 & 0.5. In essence it is as though you are making two bets, one with a handicap of 0 and the other with a handicap of 0.5 but in reality you are only making one. In this case, if the team with the handicap (0 & 0.5) wins, you win the wager for the odds given; if there is a draw you win half of the wager multiplied by the odds, while the other half of the wager is refunded; if it loses you lose the entire amount bet.

This simple asian handicap table could help give a better idea.

Payout explanation

WinYou win your stake multiplied by the price
Win HalfYou win half your stake multiplied by the price, half your stake is returned
No BetYour stake is returned
Lose HalfYou lose half your stake, half is returned
LoseYou lose your stake


HandicapYour team’s resultPayoutHandicapYour team’s resultPayout
DrawNo betDrawNo bet
0, -0,5WinWin0, +0,5WinWin
DrawLose halfDrawWin half
-0,5WinWin+0,5Win or drawWin
Draw or loseLoseLoseLose
-0.5, -1Win by 2 or moreWin+0.5, +1Draw or winWin
Win by 1 or moreWin halfLose by 1Lose half
Draw or loseLoseLose by 2 or moreLose
-1Win by 2 or moreWin+1Win or drawWin
Win by 1 or moreNo betLose by 1No bet
Win or loseLoseLose by 2 or moreLose
-1, -1.5Win by 2 or moreWin+1, +1.5Win or drawWin
Win by 1 or moreLose halfLose by 1Win half
Win or drawLoseLose by 2 or moreLose
-1,5Win by 2 or moreWin+1,5Win, draw or lose by 1Win
Win by 1, draw or loseLoseLose by 2 or moreLose
-1.5, -2Win by 3 or moreWin+1.5, +2Win, draw or lose by 1Win
Win by2Win halfLose by 2 or moreLose half
Win by 1, draw or loseLoseLose by 3 or moreLose
-2Win by 3 or moreWin+2Win, draw or lose by 1Win
Win by 2No betLose by 2No bet
Win by 1, draw or loseLoseLose by 3 or moreLose
-2, -2.5Win by 3 or moreWin+2, +2,5Win, draw or lose by 1Win
Win by 2 or moreLose halfLose by 2Win half
Win by 1, draw or loseLoseLose by 3 or moreLose
-2,5Win by 3 or moreWin+2,5Win, draw or lose by 1 or 2Win
Win by 1 or 2, draw or loseLoseLose by 3 or moreLose